The Kick-In is over and now it is time for the HAIP, the introduction programme of AEGEE-Enschede. The HAIP is the way to get to know AEGEE! During the HAIP you will be introduced to AEGEE in seven weeks. The HAIP committee will do everything to let you experience an unforgettable HAIP. The last months we have been busy to make a great programme.

AEGEE doesn’t do any hazing, therefore we have the HAIP. During the HAIP, every Tuesday and Thursday there will be great activities/parties in our own pub Asterion. In the HAIP you get to know the older members, even as the pub,  fraternities/sororities, yearclubs, committees, fellowships and the daily and pub board. But most of all, you get to know each other, the participants of the HAIP!

The  HAIP isn’t end, because we do have a lot to offer still! There are pubnights twice a week, parties troughout the year and many other activities like kingsday, beertour in Belgium, drinks at other locals, a sintercantus, newyearsdinner and so on.

AEGEE is an open association, everyone is welcome and nothing is mandatory. From parties in the pub to big conferencese, holidays and exchanges. Everything is possible to make your student life the best time of your life! With more than 150 other AEGEE locals the possibilities are unlimited.

If you have any questions you can approach us. You can recognize us by the orange and black vests. You can also send an mail to haip@aegee-enschede.nl

We would love to welcome you during the activities and parties in Asterion!


HAIP Committee AEGEE-Enschede 2018


Lianne Tolboom - President

Isa Bakker - Secretary

Bram Denkers – Treasurer

Orla Rispens - Logistics

Eline Somberg – External Affairs

Kevin Vogelzang - Promotion

Fabrice Tshilumba - General

Jules Verkade - Board

Jacomine Tertoolen - Board