Results AEGEE pubquiz
The pubquiz of Saturday August 27th was great! In total, 119 teams quizzed in nine different pubs. Every pub had their own winner and these winners will compete for the grand price at the finals in two weeks. The winner will get a free Escape Room! In this article you can find the winners per location and the overall ranking. On what place did your team end?
The winners are:
- Bonobo's (De Pimpelaar)
- Manatees (N8kelder)
- Tegel (Sociëteit Asterion)
- XS (Goldrush)
- V.A. Coq VI (Soestdijk)
- Kidmos (Shooters)
- Wie wil m'n kut zien! (Friends)
- Rakkers (Bar Celona)
- Harambee (San Remo)
Congratulations! You will be contacted about the finals.
Below you can find the overall ranking!
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Submitted 8 years 6 months ago by Amarins Veeman.