A night in the life of SB

It’s sunday night. The pub board (sociëteitsbestuur in Dutch, or SB for short)  is at the office. The meeting is planned for 20:30. As soon as everyone’s there, we hope we can start. However, Lianne isn’t finished preparing her documents where she records our every word and Danique hasn’t printed the agenda yet. So, we can’t do anything about us starting late and thus finishing late. Alright, time to begin. The meeting has been opened at 20:47 and the agenda has been established. After the announcements where somebody has mentioned he/she has a hangover, having had a look at the mail and having checked if everyone has done his or her action points, we will continue with going through all the functions in order of seniority. Danique, Madam Praeses, has had her monthly chair(wo)men talk with Adrian and briefly explains what has been discussed. Lianne, ab Actis, has an update on the insurance, Thomas, Quaestor, tells us how much this week’s profits are and Jasper, Mercator, shares the plans Bacardi has for us. Lastly, it is Fabrice’ turn. As Retentio he tells his usually inconsistent story about what’s broken in the pub this time.

At least two hours after the opening of the meeting, it is time for the evaluation of our past duties. Everyone shares what kind of hardships or enjoyable things happened during the pub night. If there is nothing to tell, we move on to the next focus point. What this is, is different for each meeting. One time the policy weekend is on the agenda, the next time the constitution drink, the vacation jobs, the candidate SB or the so called SBitch moment. Thomas has a minimum of four things for the “any other business” section of the agenda, we quickly plan the next meeting and we are done!

The night is still young though. There’s a reason people in the SB are known for their reversed rhythm. We go downstairs, open the pub, make sure there is beer coming out of the tap and the post-meeting celebrations can begin. From a calm game of Klaverjassen initiated by Danique, to a game of beer pong won by Fabrice and Jasper, to playing the dice game ‘mex’ all together. By the way, that game called mex now and then turns over to ‘sink mex’. Half of the water from the sink was suddenly lying on the ground.. Weird.

It is about four o’clock when it is time to go home. Lianne is once again doubting whether to go to her own home on campus or to her boyfriend’s house, which is a lot closer by. Fabrice puts his headphones on and walks a few hundred meters home. Danique, Thomas and Jasper need to go the same way, so they cycle around the Beiaard, towards the old Hema.


It’s late, the SB has finally made it home and is going to bed. Goodmorning normal people and see you tomorrow afternoon!