Presentation HAIP 2018

Yesterday the HAIP committee presented its theme and planning for the coming HAIP. Were you one of the unfortunate people who could not be there, don’t sweat! This news item will get you up to speed. The theme for the coming HAIP is…. de HAIP. So, this year no theme, just enjoying the awesome activities with which the HAIP is so well known.

So what are these awesome activities you speak of? This can be seen in the picture below. This year the HAIP will actually start in the first week of the new educational year, so we are going to fire it up real quick!

If you have any questions, comments or you want to offer your help, do not hesitate to let us know. We are open for anything, so together we can make it the best HAIP possible!

To finalise this message a couple of pictures of the presentation of yesterday.