Upcoming: Travel Team Activities
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Due to the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), it will be illegal to have acces to personal data of members (like phone number, e-mail, etc.) through accounts that are not part of the domain of the association. This means that all of the Google Drives that are hosted on the AEGEE-Enschede domain (for example committee files) should only be accessible by e-mail addresses that are hosted on the AEGEE-Enschede domain.
Tonight we will have a jacket-tie-drink in Asterion. So come by with your best looking tie! If you don't have one, you can buy one tonight for €10.
Because of ascension weekend of the office will be closed coming thursday and friday. The board will back this coming monday. We wish everyone a good ascension day and great long weekend!
Hoera! We hebben een nieuw kandidaatsbestuur gekozen! Wij wensen Arno de Vries, Guus Holst, Jacomine Tertoolen, Lukas Vugts en Sanne Meijer veel succes met het verdelen van de functies en opzetten van een beleidsplan de komende tijd. We hebben na de sollicitaties alle vertrouwen dat dit helemaal goed gaat komen!