Student Union

The Student Union is there to optimize your student time. They are an organization that is in close contact with multiple parties, from the smallest association to the Executive Board of the University of Twente. Using multiple partnerships, they support associations and try to create as many chances for students as possible.

If you want to organize an event or start a company, they can help you with finding the right contacts or finding a cheap space for your company. The SU also gives different 'grants' and they have sponsoringfunds for intersting projects.

AEGEE-Enschede is a 'participant' of the SU and often participates in different inputmoments. Durings these inputmoments the Board of AEGEE voices the opinion of her members and stands up for the quality of the Dutch student life. Futhermore, AEGEE-Enschede is involved in executing the SU policy concerning 'internationalizing'.